University of Economics – Varna


Degree: Master

Type of education:

Number of semesters: 2

Professional qualification: Economics

Professional field: ECONOMICS

First year: 2023

"Green" experts have been sought after and "green" jobs have emerged as a result of a concerted effort to deal with the challenges of environmental deterioration. The demand for green economics expertise has been further triggered by the implementation of European and world programmes in eco-economics and the circular economy In Bulgaria. Companies and organisations have been widely using cutting-edge environmental technologies to enhance their competitive advantage. Businesses have implemented environmental practices, pursued environmental innovation, and developed the circular economy and the business economy. As a result, organisations have benefited from viable solutions to maximize their economic profit. The degree programme in Eco-economics allows graduates to pursue careers as:

  • Environmental infrastructure managers in the public sector at all managerial levels
  • Consultants who provide monitoring services, complete environmental impact assessments and manage environmental projects; consultants in charge of environmental quality and safety management
  • Social and environmental responsibility specialists; environmental experts in NGOs, industry organisations and other unions, among others.

Eco-economics master students are offered training conducted in close collaboration with environmental organisations and organic producers in Bulgaria.

Training incorporates field trips, info meetings and workshops with government officials and business representatives, public lectures and events that raise awareness about environmental and socially responsible missions.

I. Expertise

The degree programme in Eco-economics aims at teaching students a system of general and specialised theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and specific attitudes.

Teaching these competencies enhances students’ employability options in green businesses and environmental organisations.

The Msc degree programme offers graduates a broad approach to training. The programme incorporates core theoretical knowledge along with specialized knowledge in eco-economics. It further helps students develop practical skills in natural resources analysis, planning, organization, use and

Students learn how to manage environmental solutions, perform integrated environmental impact assessments, and evaluate natural services and resources, etc.

The MSc degree programme in Eco-economics provides students core knowledge, develops their skills
and improves their competencies in these areas:

  1. Evaluation, organization and enhancement of economic and management processes in environmentally-friendly businesses, including but not limited to: establishing and assessing the impact of business production systems on the environment and limiting any adverse impact; analysis and assessment of economic relations in environmentally-friendly businesses; understanding the correlation between the economy and the environment; ecosystem services evaluation; developing entrepreneurship skills for environmentally-friendly start-ups; analysis of technological solutions in environmental technologies and innovation; completing environmental assessments for the implementation of investment proposals; development and implementation of environmental projects; environmental monitoring.
  2. Effective process management and organization governance in green businesses, including but not limited to: implementation of environmental policies and legislation in businesses; analysis and assessment of administrative regulation of green businesses; implementation of environmental
  3. and safety management systems; handling damage as a result of environmental risks and crises; taking environmental security actions; development of environmental solutions in various sectors of the economy; bioeconomy development; environmentally sustainable organisational development.

II. Training in the MSc Eco-economics degree programme is part-time and it complies with this qualification description, curriculum and syllabi and academic calendar. It is intended for holders of local or international bachelor degrees so that they obtain a professional qualification in economics.

Once this degree programme is completed, graduates are granted a master's degree in the professional field of Economics in accordance with the national classifier of higher education and professional fields and in compliance with the state requirements for degrees in the Republic of Bulgaria.

According to national and international l regulation, these bachelor degree holders may complete this master degree programme: students of the same bachelor degree programme (two terms of education), economic sciences and management graduates (two terms of education), other graduates (three terms of education) and college graduates within the same professional field of Economics (three terms of education).

First year
Studied subjects Semester Credits Type of grading Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Natural Resources Management 9 8 Exam 240 202 38
Environmental Policy and Legislation 9 8 Exam 240 202 38
Environmental Management Systems and Safety Management Systems 9 7 Exam 210 180 30
Environmental Risks, Crises and Environmental Security 9 7 Exam 210 180 30
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 10 8 Exam 240 202 38
Environmental Project Management 10 8 Exam 240 210 30
Environmental Business Responsibility 10 8 Exam 240 210 30
Electives (1)
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Bioeconomics
  • Environmental Practices in Business (by industry)
10 6 Ongoing assessment 180 158 22
Total for Specialised 0 0
Electives (1)
  • Thesis Defense
  • Comprehensive State Exam
10 15 Exam 450 450 0
Total for Graduate 0 0
Total for the entire period of study 75 2250 1994 256

Optional courses Semester Credits Student involvement
Total Self-study Classes
Foreign Language - English 10 3 90 75 15
Foreign Language - German 10 3 90 75 15
Foreign Language - French 10 3 90 75 15
Foreign Language - Russian 10 3 90 75 15
Foreign Language - Portuguese 10 3 90 75 15
1 The course is available only to foreigners