University of Economics – Varna

As a result of the implementation of the project, an innovative platform was created - a modern information and communication tool that improved the interaction between higher education institutions and employers in the hotel and tourism industries.

DEELforHOST project aims to promote communication, collaboration and learning, and improve digital interaction between higher education institutions and the hospitality and tourism industries (HTI).

The participation aimed to present the project, activities and results under work package 3, in which UE – Varna is leading

Project "Digital Employer Engagement and Learning for Hospitality and Tourism under Pandemic and Other Crisis Situations" DEELforHOST is financed under the ERASMUS + programme

A key success became a fact on 12.03.2024 as a result of the joint work of the University of Economics - Varna (UE-Varna) and the Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations - Varna (RAPIV).

European Universities is a flagship initiative of the European University Strategy, which sets the ambitious goal of supporting 60 European universities comprising over 500 higher education institutions by mid-2024.

Activity 16 foresees the implementation of incoming mobility of teachers from the associated partners under the EDUTransform project to the University of Economics - Varna.

The HEADCET project is addressed to students, teachers and business representatives connected and working in the field of circular economy, social innovation and sustainable development.

On April 28th, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. EET, in Hall 1 of the University of Economics-Varna, the First Multiplier Event (on site and online) under the Process-based Business Management module (PRODIMOD) project will be held. Registration is required.

В тип действие „Изследователски и иновационни дейности“ (RIA) са отворени 8 теми, а в тип действие „Координация в помощ“ (CSA) - 2.