University of Economics – Varna

Chief Assist. Prof. Milena Beneva, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Milena Beneva, PhD

Chief Assist. Prof. Milena Beneva, PhD



Office hours for students

Tuesday, Office 421: 15:00-16:00

Online consultations

Thursday, Online room link:, 15:00-16:00

Subject Year and Programme
Insurance Systems and Funds Year 4, ФИНАНСИ (Full-time)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, ПИМ (Full-time)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, ДТБ (Full-time)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, СМД (Full-time)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, ИБП (Full-time)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, СО (Distance learning)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, НИИ (Distance learning)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, ИБП (Distance learning)
Introduction to Finance Year 2, ТУРИЗЪМ (Distance learning)
Life Insurance and Product Innovations * Year 5, ФИ (Distance learning)
Life Insurance and Product Innovations * Year 5, ФИ-СНУ (Distance learning)
Life Insurance and Product Innovations * Year 6, ФИ-ДНДО (Distance learning)
Life Insurance and Product Innovations * Year 6, ФИ-СПН (Distance learning)
Private Pension Schemes Year 4, ССиЗ (Full-time)
Introduction to Insurance Year 3, ССиЗ (Full-time)
Home End Room L/S Course Week Group
09:15 11:00 H-208 Seminar Introduction to Insurance 24
11:15 13:00 H-202 Seminar Private Pension Schemes 24
13:30 15:00 51 Seminar Introduction to Finance 13
09:15 11:00 221 Seminar Insurance Systems and Funds 22
11:15 13:00 221 Seminar Insurance Systems and Funds 23
09:15 11:00 H-202 Seminar Introduction to Finance 7
11:15 13:00 H-203 Seminar Introduction to Finance 14
09:15 11:00 523 Seminar Introduction to Finance 8
2024-09-24 (Tuesday)
15:15 17:00 Е-2 Seminar Introduction to Finance 44, 46
2024-09-25 (Wednesday)
15:15 17:00 Е-3 Seminar Introduction to Finance 45
2024-09-27 (Friday)
11:15 13:00 Е-2 Seminar Introduction to Finance 41
2024-09-30 (Monday)
15:15 17:00 Е-3 Seminar Introduction to Finance 41
2024-10-01 (Tuesday)
15:15 17:00 Е-3 Seminar Introduction to Finance 45
2024-10-02 (Wednesday)
13:30 15:00 Е-3 Seminar Introduction to Finance 44, 46
2024-10-03 (Thursday)
13:30 15:00 Е-5 Seminar Introduction to Finance 41
2024-10-04 (Friday)
11:15 13:00 Е-4 Seminar Introduction to Finance 44, 46
13:30 15:00 Е-5 Seminar Introduction to Finance 45
Type Year Publication
Студия 2024
Economic Studies [Икономически изследвания] , Sofia : Institute for Economic Research at BAS, 33, 2024, 6, 88-112., ISSN(печатно) 0205-3292, ISSN(онлайн) 0205-3292 / Scopus / Линк
Статия 2023
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna: Economic Sciences Series., Varna : Union of Scientists - Varna, 12, 2023, 2, 58-66., ISSN(печатно) 1314-7390, ISSN(онлайн) 2603-4085 / DOI 10.56065/IJUSV-ESS/2023.12.2.58 / Линк
Учебно помагало 2017
Варна: Наука и икономика, 2017, 173.
Учебно помагало 2017
София: Дайрект Сървисиз, 2017, 128 с.
Доклад 2017
Финансовата наука – между догмите и реалността: Сб. докл, Варна: Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2017, 129-145.
Учебно помагало 2015
Варна: Наука и икономика, 2015.
Учебно помагало 2015
София: Дайрект Сървисиз, 2015, 112 с.
Доклад 2015
Investments in the future: 2015: Tenth Intern. Scientific Conf., Sept. 24-25, 2015, Varna, Bulgaria: Proceedings: [Сб. докл. от Десета междунар. науч. конф. „Инвестиции в бъдещето-2015”] – Varna: Scientific and Techn. Unions – Varna, 2015, 193-197.
Доклад 2015
// Икономиката в променящия се свят: национални, регионални и глобални измерения : Сб. докл. от междунар. науч. конф. : Т. 3. - Варна : Унив. изд. Наука и икономика, 2015, с. 58 - 65.
Учебно помагало 2011
Варна: Р.И.С., 2011, 116 с.
Overview of all publications